
Pairi Daiza Foundation


White-faced Saki

Saki à Face Blanche - Pairi Daiza

Two white lines around the nose

The White-faced Saki Monkey is named after the appearance of the adult male whose forehead, face and throat are pinkish white, and the rest of their coat black. The females have a grey-brown coat with two white lines around the nose and mouth.

Sakis, which are very agile and able to jump from tree to tree (they are sometimes called flying monkeys) have powerful hind legs and a long bushy tail used to balance, and live in the lower canopy floors. They feed on fruits, seeds, nuts and also insects.

The female gives birth to one baby per year which she takes very good care of, protecting it and teaching it the rules of autonomy.

White-faced Sakis** live for about 15 years** and longer in captivity, as is often the case.

Their predators are large constrictor snakes, cats and the Harpy Eagle, a formidable raptor.

In Pairi Daiza

Four white-faced sakis

Two males and two females live in the Jardin des Mondes The males are called Roger and Thiago. The females are called Mérida and Clémentine.

Saki à Face Blanche - Pairi Daiza
Identity card

A less threatened species

  • Name: White-faced saki
  • Latin name: Pithecia pithecia
  • Origin: The northern countries of South America (Venezuela, the Guyanas and Brazil)
  • IUCN status: Least concerned
  • Cites: Appendix II


When I enter their enclosure the little couple are happy to see me arriving with my fresh vegetables but especially with the nuts which they love. And they show this with a little purr of contentment which makes them so adorable!

Sponsor the white-faced sakis

Sponsorship amounts are exclusively for the Pairi Daiza Foundation for projects for the conservation and protection of threatened species.

Je parraine les Sakis à face blanche